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The situation in Ukraine is getting worse day by the day. Countless people were internally displaced. One million people have fled their homes, uprooted from their land. Among these, hundreds of thousands took the road to the Polish border, carrying only a suitcase or bag. It is very likely that more and more people will be forced to flee the terrible reality of the violence caused by war, unless the conflict ceases instantaneously.

Faced with the massive evacuation of Ukrainian refugees to Poland, the Polish government, various charities, individuals, each in its own way is trying to rescue emigrants

Aid to refugees was initially organised in a very spontaneous way. In thousands of places set up specifically for this purpose, people brought basic necessities of life. At present, the biggest problem is to provide them with adequate accommodation.

In this dramatic situation, Salute e Sviluppo, in collaboration with other Camillian and non-camillian organizations, is supporting the emergency action promoted by the Polish Camillian Province in response to the Ukrainian crisis.

The Province, which works in coordination with Caritas, is organizing two important interventions to welcome part of the flow of fleeing Ukrainian people arriving in the cities of Poland:

– provide psychosocial support for refugee children who are welcomed by families around the Camillian parish of Tarnowskie Góry.

– provide temporary accommodation for 55 families who have fled, with the reopening of the seminary in Burakow (Lomianki), and help families who choose to start a new life in Poland to find a new flat and a new job in order to achieve an independent life.

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