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Tag Archives: lima<


Not long ago we told you the story of the little Edrick and Samueltwo very young children (1 year old and 4 years old), unfortunately suffering from congenital hyperinsulinism (HC)a very rare endocrine disease that develops in the first few months of life and can lead to severe health impairment in young patients, causing them severe neurological problems that cannot always be resolved.

They are cared for by the Asociacion corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, which has been working in Peru for some time in an attempt to improve the health conditions of the most fragile, including the young patients of the San Bartolomé and Cevetano Heredia hospitals in Lima, who suffer from this neurological disease.

It was with them that we decided to launch the ‘Health for All: Diazoxide Project’ in March. In Peru, congenital hyperinsulinism is a particularly compromising disease due to delays in diagnosis and administration of the right drug, Diazoxide. The latter is not marketed in the country and is prohibitively expensive, not only for families, but also for the hospitals themselves who have no way of importing it from abroad.

For these reasons, the Asociacion corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco has for years been searching for both public and private donors who can espouse this cause, contributing to the purchase and shipment of the life-saving drug. At the beginning of the year, we at Health and Development decided to step in and inaugurate this project, which gave us the opportunity to purchase Diazoxide not only for little Edrick and Samuel, but also for all the other little patients in the two hospitals.

Now that the project is completed and the necessary Diazoxide supplies have been delivered, we can say that we are happy to have been able to contribute to this activity and to have intervened on behalf of the most fragile.


We at Salute e Sviluppo have been working in developing countries for many years, not only in Africa and Asia, but also in Latin America: recently we have received numerous requests for help from associations operating on Peruvian soil, we have told you about the life-saving drug projects for children in the hospitals of Lima, and also about support for the elderly in difficult conditions.

As of 1 October, we decided to take action by starting a new activity that will see us engaged for four months in synergy with the Obra San Camilo: ’25 electrified and mechanised (hospital) beds for the Obra San Camilo Clinic’.

This medical centre is located in Lima, the capital of Peru, was established by the Camillian Religious and is a private non-profit organisation that provides health services to the community not only in Lima, but also in the entire province. A multitude of diagnostic examinations, aimed at prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, can be performed in the clinic. Over the years, the centre has been able to expand more and more and now has specific outpatient clinics for various diseases, a laboratory, an X-ray, mammography, bone densitometry and electrocardiogram service, as well as two operating theatres, a delivery room and a nursery.

It has now become absolutely necessary to replace 25 beds, which are now obsolete, uncomfortable for patients and not very functional for healthcare staff. We at Salute e Sviluppo were delighted to be able to provide concrete help to the clinic by purchasing these electrified and mechanised beds, which will enable the patients to cope comfortably with their treatment, the staff to be able to work in a modern environment, and the Clinic to continue to be a state-of-the-art health centre.

We will keep you updated on all developments!


Thanks to the Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, we have the opportunity to be – once again – close to the Peruvian population in need. We have already told you how thanks to them we were able to help children in Lima hospitals suffering from congenital hyperinsulinism (HC), a very rare endocrine disease, to receive the right life-saving drug – Diazoxide.

Very recently, we started another project, again in synergy with the Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, ‘Polyclinic equipped for Huancavelica – in favour of the less affluent in the third age’. Huancavelica is one of the poorest regions in the whole of Peru, in particular the outpatient clinic is located near the district of Caja Espiritu, in the city of Acobamba. In this specific area live nine communities in extreme difficulty, especially the elderly who need urgent help: very often their children emigrate to the big cities to find work and they are left alone in poverty.

The Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidaria has decided to take action to improve the living conditions of these elderly people: in six months, medicines, nutritional supplements, hygiene items and everything necessary to make the outpatient clinic more functional will be purchased. All this will be provided at a symbolic price to the 120 severely distressed elderly in these communities. The symbolic price is necessary to make the project sustainable and continuous over time: the money raised will be used to buy back all the material once it is finished.

Not only medical and food equipment, but also numerous activities are planned: support groups, prevention meetings, spiritual reinforcement, all necessary to support the elderly in their loneliness, creating a network of solidarity and support. In addition, numerous garments have already been provided to those who – in greater difficulty – do not have the possibility of buying their own.

We are very happy to be able to participate in the project, supporting the local community. We will keep you updated on all news!


Salute e Sviluppo has a clear mission: to improve the living conditions of every individual, especially the most vulnerable (children and women), by promoting fair and sustainable development processes in access to health and education services, social and economic empowerment.

To carry it forward, there are many projects that we inaugurate each year with prestigious partners and donors, but there are also many initiatives that Salute e Sviluppo pursues on its own, funding support activities for those in need who ask for help.

A few months ago, the Asociación corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, which has long been working on Peruvian soil to improve the health conditions of the young patients of the San Bartolomé and Cayetano Heredia hospitals in Lima, proposed to us to contribute to the ‘Health for All: Diazossido Project’.

Edrick and Samuel are two very young children (1 year old and 4 years old respectively) suffering from congenital hyperinsulinism (HC), a very rare endocrine disease that develops in the first months of life and can lead to severe health impairment in young patients, causing severe neurological problems, in some cases irreversible.

This disease in Peru is particularly compromising due to delays in diagnosis and administration of the right medication – the Diazoxide – which is not marketed in the country and which is prohibitively expensive, both for the hospitals themselves and for the poorest families, who do not have the possibility of importing it from abroad. The administration of the drug, in most cases, has to be long-lasting in order to ensure the children’s recovery, which makes it even more difficult to maintain a sufficient supply.

To make up for this serious shortage, the Asociación corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco has for years been searching for public and private donors who can contribute to the purchase and shipment of the life-saving drug. Salute e Sviluppo decided to respond affirmatively to this request and purchase the Diazoxide needed for the current and future care of little Edrick, Samuel and many other children who will need it in the next two years.

We at Salute e Sviluppo are very happy to be able to intervene in the first person, helping those in need, and in this case we hope that – also thanks to our contribution – the little patients in the hospitals of Lima suffering from this disease and their families can finally find hope again.