• Piazza della Maddalena 53 - 00186, Roma
  • Tel. +39.06 899 28 151-2-3-4
  • info@salutesviluppo.org
In Spotlights

Support for the population of Kerala affected by the cyclone

Due to the passage of a mini cyclone over the central-eastern coast of the Arabian Sea, torrential rains and floods hit several districts (Kottayam, Idukki, Thrissur and Ernakulam) of Indian Kerala, destroying houses and causing several victims.

Our local partners, the Camillians of Sneha Charitable Trust, in collaboration with the Camillian Task Force (Cadis International) have organized a relief mission (Flood Relief Mission) in favor of the affected population, distributing basic necessities and helping in the reconstruction of homes destroyed.

Support our mission and donate to help families in need affected by the emergency!


Salute e Sviluppo

IBAN IT62G0200805181000400321240 (Unicredit)


IBAN IT17 X076 0103 2000 0002 6485 086 (BancoPosta)

reason: Flood Relief Mission Kerala