• Piazza della Maddalena 53 - 00186, Roma
  • Tel. +39.06 899 28 151-2-3-4
  • info@salutesviluppo.org
In News

Establishment of the AMOC Mission Fund -Camillians Charity Health Insurance

“Health” is the priority field of intervention of SeS. The right to health protection and access to health care are fundamental human rights; yet the relationship between poverty, marginalisation and access to services in developing countries often remains misunderstood or neglected in health policies and development interventions.

Over the years, in accordance with the Global Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have built and strengthened health facilities for vulnerable populations; expanded the the catchment area of services at territorial level; provided adequate medical instruments and equipment, improving the services offered at quantitative level; trained local health personnel, increasing the level of skills and the quality of the services provided.

After having implemented a large number of initiatives in cooperation partner countries and having contributed significantly to their growth, Salute e Sviluppo establish the AMOC Mission Found– Camillians Charity Health Insurance (approved by the Board of Directors on 26.11.2021), as an additional tool to help people and communities in developing countries, in conditions of severe socio-economic vulnerability, to access health services.

The purpose of the fund is to protect health and extend basic health cover as far as possible, seeking to reduce social inequalities, with a focus on child health. In particular, the Fund has two objectives:

Overall Objective: to contribute to the improvement of the social and health conditions of the populations of developing countries, where Salute e Sviluppo operates through the implementation of international cooperation initiatives.

Specific Objective: to guarantee free access to health services and treatment to children in developing countries (0-14 years old).

The Fund operates through the provision of a reimbursement (in part or total) of healthcare costs paid by existing healthcare facilities in the countries of cooperation – belonging to and/or managed by the Camillians – for paediatric patients (0-14 years old) who will benefit from the services totally free of charge.

The AMOC Mission Fund, established by SeS, can be financed by all stakeholders – whether individuals or companies – who recognise in it a social responsibility to fight poverty and to greater protection of human rights.

Non-anonymous donors will be eligible for tax relief in accordance with the law.

There are many ways to support our activities: your donation is the easiest way to maximise the impact of our projects!


Salute e Sviluppo ONG – Al fianco dei Camilliani nel mondo
Piazza della Maddalena, 53 – 00186 Roma
Tel. 0689982151/52/53/54
email: info@salutesviluppo.org

Iban: IT50E0200805181000102710665 (banca Unicredit)

Reason: donazione Fondo Missioni AMOC – Opere Camilliane