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In Spotlights

Drought emergency in Kenya – Wajir County

The impact of the recurring drought in Wajir County, where SeS works with local communities, has affected the most vulnerable population causing food insecurity and malnutrition. In recent years, Wajir County has experienced low rainfall with an increase of the dry season. The consequences have had a serious impact on people’s livelihoods: agriculture and animal husbandry, the two main sources of income for rural communities.

Between 18 and 23 October, our partner – the Camillian Task Force in Kenya (Cadis International) – conducted an assessment to evaluate the impact of the current drought on the community. Gaps were identified in four different areas: food, livelihoods, water and sanitation, and health.

Help us to support interventions in Wajir County! This initiative includes:

– Food security programme: supporting food security in the region through agricultural techniques
– Water and sanitation: provision of clean water for domestic use and irrigation and construction of eco-toilets
– Health programme: Mobile clinics
Make your contribution now!
Kenya - drought
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Reason:Drought in Kenya