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A new school in Tenkodogo, Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, in Tenkodogo area, education is a right for few people. The lack of facilities and classrooms does not allow the large number of children living in the area to attend school and continue their studies.
In 2018, in order to provide of this lack thanks to funding from the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) with 8X1000 funds, the project “Post-primary and secondary school for the minors of Tenkodogo” was launched.

The initiative, ended on August 31th 2020, made possible the construction and the equippment of a post-primary and secondary school and the start of the courses.
The school has two floors: on the ground floor there are the classrooms dedicated to post-primary courses and on the upper floor the classrooms dedicated to secondary courses.

School Burkina

The post-primary course lasts 3 or 4 years and trains pupils for secondary education or professional life, concluding with a diploma at the end of basic education.
The secondary course, on the other hand, lasts 3 years and ends with the award of the BAC diploma (premier diplôme universitaire) with which boys and girls can access university courses.


In this way, 480 students, who have completed their primary education at neighbouring schools, have the opportunity to continue their studiesat post-primary and secondary level.
Alongside school activities, an awareness and information campaign was also launched in the surrounding schools to encourage pupils to enrol in post-primary school, with the involvement of their parents. Parents showed their awareness of the importance for their children to continue their studies.



pictures were taken before the Covid-19 emergency